

Bereavement Support Service

The BereaveCare program is an emotional support service for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Grief can be a physical as well as an emotional experience. Reactions to grief can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness and despair. Some physical reactions can include trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, muscle tension and illness.

The BereaveCare Program provides 1-on-1 telephone counselling support along with a wealth of self-guided help resources to help clients identify and manage their emotional reactions and negative thought patterns.

Addressing customers emotional needs at a time of loss creates a positive emotional imprint that is the cornerstone of brand loyalty.

Progam Goals

Customer Help

Help them manage their emotional and physical response.

Brand Loyalty

Create emotional attachment to brand.


Associate positive residual feelings with brand identity.

Participants will receive counselling sessions with an accredited counsellor, along with access to an online self-guided help resource where they can learn the skills needed to regulate their emotional response.


For your customers

  • Reduce the isolation of grief
  • Identify positive outlets for working through shock and grief
  • Access to 1-on-1 telephone counselling service with an accredited therapist
  • Identify and break negative thought patterns

For your brand

  • Reduce negative associations between the loss and your brand
  • Create a positive emotional imprint when it matters most
  • Reinforce the narrative that your customers matter
  • Generate an emotional attachment to your brand
  • Produce raving fans of your brand

Emotionally connected customers buy more products, spend more money and stay longer with a business.

- Study of financial industries: by John H. Fleming and Jim Asplund